Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Viscosity Lab Report Essay Example
Viscosity Lab Report Essay Example Viscosity Lab Report Paper Viscosity Lab Report Paper The distance at which the sphere was dropped from, could have affected the terminal velocity. By doing a reverse engineering calculation using the equation given in the lab sheet for Castro oil (0. 65 NSA/AMA ) , it appeared that the time needed to get this viscosity could reach to about 12 seconds. This was quite impossible in our experiment to be obtained. Accordingly, one possible justification for this problem could have been the liquid unknown type, which we assumed to be Castro. The experiment objective in principal was achieved and many new techniques were learned and developed. Finished completely. All the record result were fine but with some error percentage suitable to some different factors, one way is to rope the spheres just above the surface to reduce the increase in velocity, also the errors can be minimized by recording the timings precisely and increasing the number of repetition of the time recording to get an accurate average. Even though doing these methods to reduce the error percentage there will still be some minor errors. This experiment developed our way of thinking and knowledge, where this experiment is a minimized example for the velocity of different types of fluids in pipes due to its viscosity and the floating of liquids above water or under water due to its density.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Battle of Austerlitz in the Napoleonic Wars
Battle of Austerlitz in the Napoleonic Wars The Battle of Austerlitz was fought December 2, 1805, and was the deciding engagement of the War of the Third Coalition (1805) during the Napoleonic Wars (1803 to 1815). Having crushed an Austrian army at Ulm earlier that fall, Napoleon drove east and captured Vienna. Eager for battle, he pursued the Austrians northeast from their capital. Reinforced by the Russians, the Austrians gave battle near Austerlitz in early December. The resulting battle is often considered Napoleons finest victory and saw the combined Austro-Russian army driven from the field. In the wake of the battle, the Austrian Empire signed the Treaty of Pressburg and left the conflict. Armies Commanders France Napoleon65,000 to 75,000 men Russia Austria Tsar Alexander IEmperor Francis II73,000 to 85,000 men A New War Though fighting in Europe had ended with the Treaty of Amiens in March 1802, many of the signatories remained unhappy with its terms. Increasing tensions saw Britain declare war on France on May 18, 1803. This saw Napoleon revive plans for a cross-channel invasion and he began concentrating forces around Boulogne. Following the French execution of Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien, in March 1804, many of the powers in Europe became increasingly concerned over French intentions. Later that year, Sweden signed an agreement with Britain opening the door to what would become the Third Coalition. Mounting a relentless diplomatic campaign, Prime Minister William Pitt concluded an alliance with Russia in early 1805. This came about despite British concern over Russias growing influence in the Baltic. A few months later, Britain and Russia were joined by Austria, which having been twice defeated by the French in recent years, sought to exact revenge. Napoleon Responds With threats emerging from Russia and Austria, Napoleon abandoned his ambitions to invade Britain during the summer of 1805 and turned to deal with these new adversaries. Moving with speed and efficiency, 200,000 French troops departed their camps near Boulogne and began crossing the Rhine along a 160-mile front on September 25. Responding to the threat, Austrian General Karl Mack concentrated his army at the fortress of Ulm in Bavaria. Conducting a brilliant campaign of maneuver, Napoleon swung north and descended on the Austrian rear. After winning a series of battles, Napoleon captured Mack and 23,000 men at Ulm on October 20. Though the victory was dampened by Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelsons triumph at Trafalgar the next day, the Ulm Campaign effectively opened the way to Vienna which fell to French forces in November. To the northeast, a Russian field army under General Mikhail Illarionovich Golenischev-Kutusov had gathered and absorbed many of the remaining Austrian units. Moving towards the enemy, Napoleon sought to bring them to battle before his lines of communication were severed or Prussia entered the conflict. Allied Plans On December 1, the Russian and Austrian leadership met to decide their next move. While Tsar Alexander I wished to attack the French, Austrian Emperor Francis II and Kutuzov preferred to take a more defensive approach. Under pressure from their senior commanders, it was finally decided that an attack would be made against the French right (southern) flank which would open a path to Vienna. Moving forward, they adopted a plan devised by Austrian Chief of Staff Franz von Weyrother which called for four columns to assault the French right. The Allied plan played directly into Napoleons hands. Anticipating that they would strike at his right, he thinned it to make it more alluring. Believing that this assault would weaken the Allied center, he planned on a massive counterattack in this area to shatter their lines, while Marshal Louis-Nicolas Davouts III Corps came up from Vienna to support the right. Positioning Marshal Jean Lanness V Corps near Santon Hill at the northern end of the line, Napoleon placed General Claude Legrands men at the southern end, with Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soults IV Corps in the center. Fighting Begins Around 8:00 AM on December 2, the first Allied columns began hitting the French right near the village of Telnitz. Taking the village, they threw the French back across Goldbach Stream. Regrouping, the French effort was reinvigorated by the arrival of Davouts corps. Moving to the attack, they recaptured Telnitz but were driven out by Allied cavalry. Further Allied attacks from the village were halted by French artillery. Slightly to the north, the next Allied column hit Sokolnitz and was repulsed by its defenders. Bringing in artillery, General Count Louis de Langà ©ron commenced a bombardment and his men succeeded in taking the village, while a third column assaulted the towns castle. Storming forward, the French managed to retake to the village but soon lost it again. Fighting around Sokolnitz continued to rage throughout the day. One Sharp Blow Around 8:45 AM, believing that the Allied center had been sufficiently weakened, Napoleon summoned Soult to discuss an attack on the enemy lines atop Pratzen Heights. Stating that One sharp blow and the war is over, he ordered the assault to move forward at 9:00 AM. Advancing through the morning fog, General Louis de Saint-Hilaires division attacked up the heights. Reinforced with elements from their second and fourth columns, the Allies met the French assault and mounted a fierce defense. This initial French effort was thrown back after bitter fighting. Charging again, Saint-Hilaires men finally succeeded in capturing the heights at bayonet point. Fighting in the Center To their north, General Dominique Vandammes advanced his division against Starà © Vinohrady (Old Vineyards). Employing a variety of infantry tactics, the division shattered the defenders and claimed the area. Moving his command post to St. Anthonys Chapel on the Pratzen Heights, Napoleon ordered Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bernadottes I Corps into the battle on Vandammes left. As the battle raged, the Allies decided to strike Vandammes position with the Russian Imperial Guards cavalry. Storming forward, they had some success before Napoleon committed his own Heavy Guards cavalry to the fray. As the horsemen battled, General Jean-Baptiste Drouets division deployed on the flank of the fighting. In addition to providing refuge for the French cavalry, fire from his men and the Guards horse artillery forced the Russians to retreat from the area. In the North At the northern end of the battlefield, fighting began as Prince Liechtenstein led Allied cavalry against General Franà §ois Kellermanns light cavalry. Under heavy pressure, Kellermann fell back behind General Marie-Franà §ois Auguste de Caffarellis division of Lannes corps which blocked the Austrian advance. After the arrival of two additional mounted divisions allowed the French to finish off the cavalry, Lannes moved forward against Prince Pyotr Bagrations Russian infantry. After engaging in a hard fight, Lannes forced the Russians to retreat from the battlefield. Completing the Triumph To complete the victory, Napoleon turned south where fighting was still raging around Telnitz and Sokolnitz. In an effort to drive the enemy from the field, he directed Saint-Hilaires division and part of Davouts corps to launch a two-pronged attack on Sokolnitz. Enveloping the Allied position, the assault crushed the defenders and forced them to retreat. As their lines began to collapse all along the front, Allied troops started to flee the field. In an attempt to slow the French pursuit General Michael von Kienmayer directed some of his cavalry to form a rearguard. Mounting a desperate defense, they helped cover the Allied withdrawal. Aftermath One of Napoleons greatest victories, Austerlitz effectively ended the War of the Third Coalition. Two days later, with their territory overrun and their armies destroyed, Austria made peace through the Treaty of Pressburg. In addition to territorial concessions, the Austrians were required to pay a war indemnity of 40 million francs. The remains of the Russian army withdrew east, while Napoleons forces went into camp in southern Germany. Having taken much of Germany, Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire and established the Confederation of the Rhine as a buffer state between France and Prussia. French losses at Austerlitz numbered 1,305 killed, 6,940 wounded, and 573 captured. Allied casualties were massive and included 15,000 killed and wounded, as well as 12,000 captured.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business information system - Essay Example have tried to define criteria of successful IT project. According to them successful IT projects must satisfy following specifications. 1-The project should comply with technical performance specification. 2- The project should deliver solution to problem statement. 3-High level of satisfaction should be achieved among various stakeholders such as management team of parent organization, people of client organization, users and last but not the least project management team. Many researchers (such as Rook in 1986, Selin in 1989, Weitz in 1989, Redmill in 1990 and Wallace in 1990) have pointed out that cost, time and user specification as success parameter for IT projects. Other researchers (such as Might and Fischer in 1985, Larson and Gobeli in 1989) have found that IT projects need to fulfill criterions such as cost, technical performance and time in order to get successful. Meanwhile Baker in the year 1983 argued that success criteria for IT projects should not be restricted to var iables such as timescale and cost. According to Baker successful IT projects need to focus on fulfilling technical specifications and client satisfaction instead of focusing only on timely completion and saving cost. To put an end to this argument research scholars (DeCotiis and Dyer in 1979, Morris and Hough in 1987, Turner in 1993) have specified following criterion for successful IT projects (Wateridge, 1996). 1-The project must fulfil the business purpose. 2-The project must provide benefits to owner. 3-The project should satisfy needs of stakeholders. 4-The project should meet predefined objectives. 5-The project should be completed within specified time period. 6-The project should not exceed allocated budget. 7-The project should satisfy needs of all the stakeholders. 3.0 Organizational Perspective Delivering successful IT project depends on following organizational perspectives. 3.1 Contextual Facet Exogenous factors play crucial role on deciding the outcome of implemented I T project. In 2002, Lipshitzet has pointed out environmental uncertainties such as change in management, bankruptcy, labour disruption and other contingency situations can halt the progress of IT project. 3.2 Policy Facet Many organizations change their business policy in accordance to demand of the situation. For example business unit planning to expand their business in foreign shore might need customized IT project in comparison to business unit planning to diversify product portfolio in domestic market. 3.3 Psychological Facet Psychological drive of employees and stakeholders plays crucial role deciding the dynamics of IT projects. For example after implementation of IT project managers need to provide training to employees in order to handle implemented system without facing difficulties. In this phase there are possibilities of failure such as employees refuse to learn new things, employees get de-motivated to participate in the project, idea coalition between project manager and employees and others. Ultimately acceptance of the IT project among employees decides the success criteria (Chan, Cooper, and Tzortzopoulos, 2005). 3.4 Cultural Facet Learning organization concept plays cordial role on decidi
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Literary analysis argument Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Literary analysis argument - Dissertation Example Anti-Goetheism in Post-Modernism + Deleuze & Guattari VIII. Conclusion IX. Annotated Bibliography & Sources Cited Abstract: The canonical masterpiece of modern German literature historically is regarded to be â€Å"Faust†, published by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the period of 1808-1832, and the story itself is taken as a parable of the moral conflicts at the foundation of the modern individual psychologically. In post-modern studies, the characteristics of modernism become even more important as they represent the historical â€Å"other†- the traditions, foundations, and movements that create the historical stage which provides the cultural base for the individual to create self-identity and moral awareness. The academic reverence and position of establishment of â€Å"Faust†in modern German literature or world history is received as heritage by the post-modern scholar, which is truly different than it must have appeared when the work was first published and received. Goethe, Rousseau, Napoleon, Jefferson, and other historical figures of the late 18th & early 19th centuries represent a point in history when Enlightenment values as formed and developed in the Renaissance era finally achieved a shift in the balance of power socially allowing them to be implemented as the basis of the formation of the modern State, liberalism and democracy. ... Goethe’s position in German literature is classical, because he is among the first of the language’s poets to take a place among the stars as a constellation, in the manner that the Greeks elevated their great philosophers and heroes to mythological greatness. In interpreting â€Å"Faust†, this essay will examine the characteristics of modernism drawn from Jameson’s thesis on late-capitalism, Deleuze & Guattari’s analysis in â€Å"A Thousand Plateaus,†as well as the historical and psychological interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche and Carl Jung, in order to build a symbolic interpretation of Faust as an archetypal myth of modern individualism in German literature. Primary Texts Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. Translated by Bayard Taylor, Illustrated Edition, Cleveland/NY: World Publishing Co.., Princeton University Press, 1870-1. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Untimely Meditations. Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, Cambridge University P ress, 1983. Secondary Sources Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari , Felix. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism & Schizophrenia. Preface by: Michel Foucault. New York: Penguin, 1972. Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari , Felix. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism & Schizophrenia. Trans. Brian Massumi. University of Minnesota Press, 1987. Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Duke University Press, 1991. Jung, C.. Psychology and Alchemy. In: Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 12., 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1968, p. 473-483. Kaufmann, Walter Arnold. Nietzsche, Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist. Princeton University Press, 1974. I. Introduction The Faust myth appears
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The communication plan Essay Example for Free
The communication plan Essay For instance if the target market has been decided to be the highest earning groups and wealthy teenagers and youngsters, as we suggest, then the marketing strategy has to take a certain course of action. The communication plan will only be successful if the company is able to firstly strengthen the brand position in the market. Apart from television and posh magazines it is important to give thrust to the brand by holding launch events and parties. Since the product line is being launched with the name of a topline model it would not be very difficult for the model to persuade the who’s who of fashion to pay a visit to a launch at the store or through a fashion show. Such an event or a series of such events in different fashion cities of the world will generate huge amounts of media publicity and awareness amongst the target market. This launching strategy could pave the way for eventually customizing this product line for the greater middle class. (OPCUK, n. d. ) The right kind of hype and media coverage can distinguish between a successful product and a not so popular one. Television is such a powerful medium that big events such as world cup finals, superbowl finals, major golf events attract billions of cumulative audiences worldwide. Therefore a well directed advertisement can generate positive viewership of the brand. A lot of the consumers especially in the high earning group have become technology savy and they expect good brands to offer a complete range of their offerings on the website or some forum. This calls for investment in a website or some online forum so that people could have a detailed look at some of the designs. In today’s world top brands understand the importance of billboards and poster advertisement as almost the great majority of drivers do observe an out of the ordinary billboard or poster. The image of this brand could be well complemented by a billboard campaign across all major posh areas and major subways in target cities. The billboard advert could feature a top hollywood young star in one of the stylish dresses of the product line. The message has to be simple and sraightforward and it should tell the customers that it is a product line for the urban youth which is style conscious. The billboard advert could just show the hollywood actor or actress saying â€Å"Pink is the new black†or something that reflects a change in trends and leads towards the arrival of this new brand. Any intelligent message that could appeal to the sense of style of the youth would be well accepted by the target audience. The advertisements and the billboard adverts need to be made expensive and they should give that look of class and style because these are the features that the product stands for. The distribution of the product is also a way of marketing the product to the target audience. Where should the product be placed such that it attracts the desired consumers to make the initial purchases first. Well, the most important thing would be to initially look at what is the strength of the current distribution network and can this current setup be effectively used to sell the product? These qustions must be asked before the distribution strategy is finalised. Once the product has been delivered to the sites and stores it must be viewed and bought by the target market within a specific time frame. Keeping this as the short-term objective the retail firm can go for selling the product on its own stores which are in posh localities and buying spaces in malls which are visited by the style conscious urban elite. An important thing to understand here is that the product line must be adequately placed otherwise the image of the brand can be destroyed.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Alan Bennetts Monologues as Dramas :: Alan Bennett Essays Monologue
Alan Bennett's Monologues as Dramas These plays are written for TV rather than theatre and are experimental for different styles of acting with more emphasis being placed on the single actors face. This is in order to show subtle changes in expressions hopefully giving the viewer a more clear insight into the characters feelings. This is more appropriate for "A Cream Crackerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦" as it is a moving story, which is portrayed, even more so in the subtle movement of Doris's face "Cracked the photo. We're cracked, Wilfred." Doris has cracked her wedding photo to her late husband Wilfred, the sadness being emphasized not only through her voice but through facial expressions is far more effective. It also works well in "Her Big Chance" as the falseness of Leslie comes across through her trying to be professional and the false gestures and expressions she puts into doing this. "Are you on the cans because id like some direction on this point." Here Leslie is an extra on the daytime soap Crossroads and is asking for direction on the simplest of parts, in order to suggest that she is professional so that she might get a call back. While putting this across to the viewers she uses gestures suggesting that Rex is not as professional and devoted to the job as her. In these plays there is only a single actor/actress in these cases "Leslie" and "Doris" with all the other characters seen through the eyes of the main character. This does not give us the chance to have our own opinions about the other characters but gives us the views and opinions of the main character. This is useful on both plays as although it tells us less about sub characters it tells us a lot more about "Leslie" and "Doris" and their feelings about the people around them. "I've a feeling Scott may be gay" Leslie suggests this as he is the only man, to date, involved in the film who has not attempted to take advantage of her naivety. This tells us of how she is naive and finds herself extremely attractive, as the first man who doesn't make a sexual advance towards her is labeled gay. "Zulema doesn't dust. She half-dusts." From this we learn that Doris takes pride in her home and likes it spick and span, also that she thinks she is able to live alone and does not need home help. It also tells us a bit about Zulema, that she is not fully devoted to her work as the dusting is only half done. Both actresses portray the characters very well and make them both
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Psychology of Racism Essay
In 1892, a shoe maker named Homer Plessy from New Orleans Louisiana was arrested for refusing to transfer to a railroad car designated for the dark-colored population in the East Louisiana Railroad after he sat in a first class railroad car meant for the white-skinned constituents of the state. Plessy appealed that he should be considered white since only 1/8 of him was African American as it was substantiated in his heritage. According to him, by forcing him to transfer to a different car, the authorities were violating the 13th and 14th Amendments of the United States Constitution which impedes slavery and segregation. From local custody to Supreme Court, Plessy was tried and accused of civil disobedience (Elliot, 2009). The arbiters of the court exhibited linear cognition which disregarded Plessy’s plea of violation of rights and obstinately favored Luoisiana’s claim that they did not violate such Amendment of the United States Constitution since they have the right to imply regulations and policies in railroad stations that are within their state. The case was denied of opportunities to be studied sufficiently as the justices esteemed and acknowledged that the act of separating the races under impartial rights should be abided, setting aside the sentiments of the colored inhabitants. II In South Campton County Virginia, a group of African American slaves initiated a rebellion that killed about 57 white men, women and children before the military forces and a number of armed civilians were able to arrive and take control. Angered by the murder of almost more than 50 innocent lives, vigilantes eradicated dozens of slaves who were not involved in the insurrection and exiled hundreds of free colored people from their land. The leader of the insurrection was a literate African American slave named Nat Turner who claimed he saw visions of God telling him to commit this act of violence, and with his extraordinary power of persuasion, he was able to compel other slaves to join him. After Turner’s surrender on October 30, 1831, he and his men were executed. (Bernier, 2010) Following the death of Nat Turner, a year of debate relating to the status of the African American slaves congested the Virginia General Assembly. Although it was considered that they should be relieved from their abject duties as slaves, a systematic arrangement for their freedom was never formed. Nat Turner’s act of rebellion caused that an anti-literacy law be passed which diminished the African American slaves’ freedom to communicate and have the opportunity to be educated, thus, almost completely mutilating their already restricted rights. From that historical event which became known as Nat Turner’s Rebellion or South Campton Insurrection, it can be analyzed that it might not only be a visionary or a delusioned man’s whim that caused such barbaric deeds but possibly an act or cry for liberation. Unequal treatment, enslavement for the rest of a man’s life and forced labor for very minimal or no wage at all, these are acceptable factors that can be considered as parts of a motive for the rebellion in South Campton. III In 1803, a British convict settlement was established in a Tasmanian aborigini inhabited island called Van Diemen’s Land. A total of of 65,000 convicted men and women were settled in the island of which most of them were cruelly traumatized and extremely violent. Due to the incompetent procedure of punishment, convicts were able to take flight into the Tasmanian hinterland where they exerted the fullness of their brutality and thirst of blood upon the aboriginis of the island (Turnbull, 1948) Symbolically and appropriately, this event in history can be described as a case of rape as the innocent aborigines were violated of their rights and freedom to live accordingly. Not only were they conquered and treated as slaves in their own land but they were exterminated and murdered like animals. They were robbed of their privilege as humans and left their race at the brink of their extinction. References Bernier, C. M. (2010) Slave Heroism in the Transatlantic Imagination. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Elliot, M. (2009) Color Blind Justice: Albion Tourgee and the Quest for Racial Equality from the Civil War to Plessy v. Ferguson. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. Turnbull, C. (1948) Black War : The Extermination of the Tasmanian Aborigines. Melbourne:
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia Essay
The Causes Of Road Accidents In Malaysia Time to time, half a million of Malaysians died because of road accidents and the highest cases of road accidents are caused by the drivers’ behaviour, equipment failure and the road conditions and infrastructure. Because of the road accidents many people have lose their family member or close friend. Besides, the road accidents also may effected to government when they have to repair for the broken infrastructure that caused by the accident like lamp stand, road divider, cleaning people blood from the road, and many more.It also will give a traffic jam for a while to all drivers. According to Road Transport department research (2002)Accident casualty and deaths by vehicles for Malaysia 2000-2006, the number of road accidents increased to 400 cases and it decreased in 2006 that was only about 600 cases (21,600 cases) had been reported. The first thing that contributes to the reason for the road accidents that happen in Malaysia is the d rivers’ behaviour. Humans are always do mistake and not careful. When a problem or unwanted thing happens, they tend to blame somebody or something else for what they have done.Most people that get an accident believe the other party involved could have done something different to avoid the accident. According to The Royal Malaysian Police, PDRM (2006) report saying that 90% of accidents happen from this reason. Moreover they also mentioned that speeding also has caused quite a number of accidents. Actually, until recently many drivers, especially male driver took the chance of night time in driving in federation and state roads. PDRM, (2006) reported the faster speed of a vehicle, the greater the risk of an accident.Speeding, even if the vehicle going five miles per hour over, in the wrong place at the wrong time, it can bring death to somebody. Speeding is also based on the traffic on an area, road conditions, weather and lighting. When driver speeding, they had to risk the ir lives when had to alert about what condition will they face. Despite all major highways have speed trap, it still cannot prevent drivers to speed and get into trouble, such an accident. In addition, careless driver are another drivers’ behaviour that caused the road accidents.This factor is the highest factors that drivers get involved in road accidents. Some drivers not only speeding but also drive recklessly, breaking road rules, does not have their vehicle license and beating traffic lights. Moreover, drivers either man or women cannot prevent to be careless driver. The main cause that driver become un careful while driving on roads are talking on a cell phone, eating, falling asleep, tiredness, driving under the influence of alcohol and so on. Because of the small mistake can caused a big problem to others who using the road o involved in the accidents.However, the most important cause of an accident is aggressive driver behaviour and selfish attitudes. From e-how, des cribed, safe standards are manufactured for modern cars by engineer to minimize the effect of accident. The aggressive driver behaviour and selfish attitudes are the most impossible thing to change. The examples of aggressive driver behaviour and selfish attitudes are aggressive tailgating, failure to signal, and failure to use the right way side. Aggressive tailgating happen when you follow in front of other vehicle too close.With two vehicle drive too close in high speed, there will be a huge accident if unexpected thing happen on the road, such as animal crossing the road and required front vehicle stop immediately or evade from being crush into the animal. Furthermore, failure to signal when taking left or right road at the corner of the road. When this happen, other vehicle does not know which way you want to go either left or right. Especially heavy vehicles, they do not see where you want to turn if you does not turn on the signal light from your vehicle.There also a lot of p roblem happen if driver do not use the right way side, it will make other driver mad. When they angry, they will flash light at the back of your vehicle, because of you drive to slow also in wrong way side of the road. Other example is every festive season, like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilftri ,Deepavali, Christmas including New Years, Malaysians especially, always excited of going back to their village or better known as ‘balik kampung’. With the excited feeling of going back to their home towns, we can see many of them and their family trying their best to reach home quickly as they can.Thus they will become selfish and does not care about their safety. Some of them will take express bus to arrive at their home to avoid driving a car at night. But they will be unlucky if they get selfish and careless driver bus attitudes that always take the wrong side of the road which should not used by heavy vehicle just want to reach the destination early. The most the endan ger transportation is heavy vehicle like bus and lorry because they are big and easy to smash small vehicle.Other than that, many selfish motorcyclists who did not followed traffic rules and fastened safety helmets properly. Another factor that listed as one of the causes of road accident is equipment failure of a vehicle. From smartmotorist. com, it state that the most important types of equipment failure are loss of brkes, tire blow outs or tread separation, and suspension failure. Thus, with all exception of the recent rash of Firestone light-truck tire failures, calculated the totals that less than 5% of all motorvehicle accidents have reported equipment failure accounts.All drivers should drive with perfect car condition. So, before drive any vehicle, they have to do some conformation. They need to check their vehicle to make sure if it safe to drive or not. As example, they must check the condition of water, brake, battery and lamp always be in good condition. There are some d rivers that never take care of this problem. They feel it is a small matter to think about the problem and can do it later at any time. They do not care about the safety factor of their car.Such as they do not change the worn out tires, when it was worn out, the vehicle absolutely cannot grasp tightly the road surface perfectly. So, it will be more dangerous if in rainy day situation, it because the stranglehold between tires and road surface will be more weak than sunny day condition. There are so clear that worn out tires can caused the accident easily. Besides, there are many people cannot accept a fact that almost nine million vehicle in this country involved in road accident because the using of illegal equipment which gain the worst level.The amount of that vehicle is about 80 percent from the 11 million of the vehicle in our country. The president of Persatuan Pemilik kenderaan Bermotor Malaysia (MOVA), Ahmad Zaki Arifin said that more than half from the driver in our country face the risk to involved in accident and death about this behaviour. Although, the other reason that caused the accident is the road conditions and infrastructure. Usually, the road will become danger in rainy day. It will make the road become more slippery for the vehicle to handle.In addition, many potholes could endanger motorist (Road Transport Department, 2002). It because, deep hole can make motorist cannot control their vehicle and will cause the accident. It become worst if it involved with the motorcyclist. The un flat surface of road also can make a nightmare for road user. It because, the road user cannot see the hole while driving. Most accidents that involved pothole problem happen during night time, because at that time many driver could not recognize the hole when they driving.Other than that, insufficient and improper of street light, also caused the accident. Usually, The street lights are hard to find in village area. So, the authorities should take care the vill age area too. In some place, the street light cannot be used by people because the street light is already broken and not repaired by authorities. In other case, the insufficient of traffic light also lead us to road accident, interstate highways remain safest road because their flow of traffic is in one direction and complete with traffic light.Many case of accident caused by insufficient of traffic light such as there are no traffic light at one road that always full with vehicle and the effect is it will produce a huge traffic jam. It will become worst when some drivers do not think about other road user and drive in high speed when taking a corner or change to the other side of road. However, roadway identifications sign also play the role to make the road safe for road user. It useful to inform road user to locate and know the road condition, such as the location of landslide, school location, hospital and many more.If the driver was informed properly the accident will not happ en easily. It is possible that motorcyclist also need specific lane for them. They should be separate from other ‘big’ user like car, lorry, bus and other type of transport that bigger than motorcycle. It will make them more safe and secure from unwanted accident. In conclusion, driver behaviour and the equipment failure of a vehicle, as well as the road conditions and infrastructure seem to be causes of road accidents in Malaysia.To reduce the total amount of road accident, first thing that should we do are change our attitude. In addition, we also need to be alert about our vehicle condition and always check them. The rate of road accident in our country today has become a nightmare for all of us. So, the authorities may need to do a drastic step to overcome this worst problem. They need to use their power to serve the best road conditions and infrastructure for us. We need to realize that our live is most valuable thing. ‘Drive safety and safe our soul’.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Take Advantage of List Topics to Write About US History
Take Advantage of List Topics to Write About US History Take Advantage of List Topics to Write About US History There are many moments that serve as turning points in history. They shape political decisions, create positive or negative national moods and work as catalysts for other changes on regional or international levels. In the US history, there were loads of such moments: Cold War, the assassination of JFK, 9/11, etc. They are still remembered and discussed because they left a trace that will never fade away. If you are tasked with a history essay, it’s great to write about the events like that. But the thing is that there are already so many papers that research these questions that you will hardly be able to offer some new perspectives or ideas. But that doesn’t mean that you have nothing to explore. There is also contemporary American history that contains as many turning points as other periods. They are truly important for changing the national mentality and forming new beliefs. That’s why we’ve arranged a 20 sample list topics to write about when you get a history assignment. You will surely be interested in some of them because many of the mentioned below events have happened and are happening in your plain view. 2003 Iraq Invasion: the Criticism of the Lack of Rationale behind the Final Decision The Launch of Facebook in 2004 The 1st Afro-American President in the US – Barack Obama How Osama Bin Laden Was Tracked and Killed in 2011 Federal Law on Same-Sex Marriages The Death of Pop Icon – Michael Jackson 2007 Shooting by a Korean Student That Started the Discussion on Gun Control Laws The Consequences of Hurricane Katherine First Women in Submarines: 2010 Ban Lift The US Attack on Libya: The Operation Called â€Å"Odyssey Dawn†Arizona and Its Restrictive Laws Against Illegal Immigration Passed in 2010 The 2013 Shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School The Death of Freddie Gray and Baltimore Protests That Followed It Obama Visit Cube and First Steps to Improving American-Cuban Relationships ISIS Attacks within the US throughout the Period from 2010 till 2017 Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack in 2013 Milwaukee Riots and Events Prior to Them Starting from Dontre Hamilton’s Death in 2014 The Immigration Policy of Donald Trump How an American Mortgage Market Crisis in 2007 Developed into a Global Financial Decline in 2008 The 1st President without Prior Government or Military Service – Donald Trump As you can see, the US history starting from 2000 is quite rich in events of different nature. But despite their diversity, they all greatly influenced the American society. Writing a History essay or research paper on one of them is significant because you are a direct witness of the most of them. So, you can rely not only on the articles or research works of others but also on your own independent opinion. Choose one of the topics and create a historically significant academic paper.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of Chiasmus Figure of Speech
Definition and Examples of Chiasmus Figure of Speech In rhetoric, chiasmus is a verbal pattern (a type of antithesis) in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first with the parts reversed. Essentially the same as antimetabole. Adjective: chiastic. Plural: chiasmus or chiasmi. Note that a chiasmus includes anadiplosis, but not every anadiplosis reverses itself in the manner of a chiasmus. Examples and Observations You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.If black men have no rights in the eyes of the white men, of course, the whites can have none in the eyes of the blacks.The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.Chiasmus as verbal judoThe root pattern is called chiasmus because diagrammed, it forms an X, and the Greek name for X is chi. When John Kennedy constructed his famous bromide, Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, he went to the Well of Antithesis for his active ingredient. Where does the X power come from?... Obviously, a verbal judo is at work here. By keeping the phrase but inverting its meaning we use our opponents own power to overcome him, just as a judo expert does. So a scholar remarked of anothers theory, Cannon entertains that theory because that theory entertains Cannon. The pun on entertain complicates the chiasmus here, but the judo still prevailsCannon is playing with the power of his own mind rather than figuring out the secrets of the universe. The lighter side of chiasmusStarkist doesnt want tuna with good taste, Starkist wants tuna that tastes good! Pronunciation ki-AZ-mus Also Known As Antimetabole, epanodos, inverted parallelism, reverse parallelism, crisscross quotes, syntactical inversion, turnaround Sources Cormac McCarthy, The Road, 2006Samuel JohnsonFrederick Douglass, An Appeal to Congress for Impartial SuffrageAlfred North WhiteheadRichard A. Lanham, Analyzing Prose, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2003
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Most important events in the history of Los Angeles Essay
Most important events in the history of Los Angeles - Essay Example The main objective of the report is to be able to present certain events in the history of the city of Los Angeles to achieve the present condition of economy and social status that it has now. One of the important events in the history of Los Angeles is the discovery of oil credited to Edward L. Doheny in 1892. Although prior to the said event there are indications of the knowledge of the people and settlers regarding the said deposit, Doheny is responsible for making the deposit known. The said event initialized the economic growth of the city when a large number of oil companies decided to invest and settle in the city limits if Los Angeles (La Botz 41). The importance of the said even lies on the significance of oil in the economy of the city. From the onset of the oil industry in Los Angeles, a number of other industries started to develop and helped the state of economy of the city. Another even that can be considered important in the history of the city of Los Angeles is the establishment of the Pacific Electric Railway. Through the said mode of transportation, the economic transactions and works of people are accomplished in a shorter period of time. In addition, being one of the basic necessities for traveling, the said form of public transportation aid the socio-economic state to improve. The Pacific Electric Railway covers the Southern California area in the 1920’s, connecting Los Angeles and Orange Counties (Henstell 13). Another event that can be considered to improve the economy of the city of Los Angeles is the establishment of the harbor in 1907-1909. The said even ushered the rise of related industries such as fishing, canneries, oil drilling and shipbuilding. These industries resulted in the improvement of commerce in the city specifically due to the fact that harbors are major sites of trading activities. The increasing number of related industries can also be considered in the increase in the
Friday, November 1, 2019
History of fox news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of fox news - Essay Example The Fox News Channel (FNC) is available to a little more than 85 million households in the United States, and even more internationally. The network is based in the U.S. and broadcasts primarily out of its studio in New York City. The Fox News Channel is currently the highest rated cable News Channel. Initially founded by the Australian-American mogul Rupert Murdoch in 1996, the FNC has grown to become the most influential cable news network today. Rupert Murdoch initially created the Fox News Network to represent the conservative point of view in America. At the time, in 1996, Murdoch felt that there was a great need for this niche to be filled in media, as at the time the majority of media was predominantly liberal. The network was designed with the intention of grabbing the attention of viewers. The visual presentation the network uses has been very influential in the presentation of news. Colorful and attention grabbing graphics were designed to constantly remain on the screen, as well as textboxes displaying one-liners summarizing the current topics. This was believed to incite the viewer's interests and increase their understanding of any message the network was attempting to relay. Another attention getter designed by the network is the Fox News Alert, it was designed to interrupt regular programming when breaking stories occurred. The news alerts were designed with swooshing graphics that would fill up the screen and a sharp chiming noise. (Fig1, Wikipedia) This is just an example of the aggressive tactics Murdoch used to launch the network. To rush the networks accessibility, Murdoch paid 11$ per subscribers to cable companies to increase the channels distribution. This was a revolutionary This conflict has led to much controversy surrounding the network. The Controversy In a survey done by the Project for Excellence in Journalism, in 2004, the article cited Fox News as the single news outlet that strikes most journalists as taking a particular ideological stance (2006). Corresponding with this, the Democratic National Committee identified Fox News as a rightwing outlet (York, 2006). On CNN's Larry King during a Jan 17, 2007 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, King spoke on his opinion of the Network, They're Republican a brand. They're an extension of the Republican Party with some exceptions, [like] Greta van Susteren. But I don't begrudge them that. [Fox CEO] Roger Ailes is an
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