Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Struggle For Civil Rights Movement - 906 Words
â€Å"Blacks had struggled for their freedom in Mississippi since the earliest days of slavery and continue to fight for their fights as citizens down to the present.†(423) John Dittmer’s Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi uncovers the origins of black suffrage within the state and continues through the historic Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s in America. While many books have been written on this topic, Local People tells a different story. Rather than focusing on the national movement and its personalities, Dittmer chooses to emphasis the importance and sacrifices of the local, African-American activists who fought for equality in Mississippi during this turbulent period of American history. The result is a fascinating and groundbreaking study of the local Mississippi Civil Rights Movement, one that will engage its readers and hopefully change the way historians view the movement. Fittingly titled, Dittmer’s book masterly tells the story of local black Mississippians and their desire to overcome the American caste system which had accompanied them since slavery. From the onset of the book, Dittmer lays the foundation for understanding the life of African Americans living in post-Civil War Mississippi. Ever since Reconstruction had ended in the South, former confederates and white supremacists made every attempt to keep African Americans from increasing their social status within the state. Whether it was through acts of the stateShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle Of The Civil Rights Movement1339 Words  | 6 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement is one of the most influential events from all of America’s history. This fight started long before the ‘60s and has continued long after. All minority groups will face the struggle for rights at some time. This movement just happened to be for the African Americans in the 1960s. During this era, there were several leaders and events that experienced success in their endeavors to get rid of segregation and create equal opportunities for all. One of the most famous leadersRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement And The African American Freedom Struggle Essay1913 Words  | 8 PagesRevolution only shows half of what the Civil Rights Movement is about. This documentary fails to show the Armed resistance aspect of the African American Freedom struggle. As the documentary shows the nonviolent part of the Civil Rights Movement it leaves out how important the role of armed resistance was in the African American freedom struggle. It unsuccessfully shows how armed resistance made the Civil Rights Movement possible and protected many civil rights leaders such a Martin Luther King. 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He examines different activist groups, the leaders within those groups, and their impact/ role played on the Civil Rights MovementRead MoreAfrican Americans Need To Understand â€Å"The Necessity, As1562 Words  | 7 Pagesamong civil rights historians, which creates and reinforces a lack of detachment that has characterized the civil rights scholarship since its inception. While Eagles acknowledges that the activist standpoint is not likely to disappear in the near future, his call for more objectivity in how historians of the civil rights movement conduct their research has not received the attention it deserves. In the article, which was released five years before Jacqueline Dowd Hall’s call for a long civil rightsRead MorePrejudice and Discrimination in Ame rica Today Essay1663 Words  | 7 Pagesthe color of a persons skin is irrelevant, racism still exists and will forever exist in America. It is a never-ending phenomenon that is ingrained in American life. Racism is America, just as America is built around the idea of racism. As the civil rights activist and scholar Derrick Bell would say, Racism is an integral, permanent, and indestructible component of this society. He proclaims that no matter what blacks do to better their status, they are doomed to fail as long as the majority ofRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement By Charles W. Eagles780 Words  | 4 Pages Ten years after Fairclough article, another author continues the discussion of historians and their attempt to analysis the civil rights movement. Charles W. Eagles’ article â€Å"Toward New Histories of the Civil Rights Era†provides further supporting evidence that scholars fail to analyze the movement to its fullest potential. Eagles util izes diplomatic historian John Lewis Gaddis analogy of historians studying the cold car. According to Gaddis, cold war scholars â€Å"reflected the contemporaneousRead MoreNaacp1094 Words  | 5 PagesNAACP The civil rights movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. It has been made up of many movements, though it is often used to refer to the struggles between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination against African-Americans and to end racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South. It focuses on that particular struggle, rather than the comparable movements to end discrimination against otherRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement : Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.1168 Words  | 5 PagesLuther King Jr. delivered to the Christian Action Group on December 7, 1964, he discusses the positive gains that have been achieved by the civil rights movement. In this speech King provided his audience with several facts on how the people have came a long way from where they began and that the civil rights movement has made a great progress in its struggle for equal treatment under the law. In King s speech, he begins by claiming that they have come a long way from where they began. As he starts
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Documentary Kings Park - 1191 Words
The documentary, Kings Park, that was viewed in class was a disturbing film that follows Lucy Winer on her journey back to rediscover and analyze her time spent at the Kings Park Psychiatric Hospital. I found the film to be alarming as well as eye opening. I thought it shed light on many of the issues that have plagued the mental healthcare system in America for decades. The mistreatment of the patients and the flaws in the diagnosis systems were very prevalent. Specifically, I found her first meeting with the two workers to be interesting, and her visit with her old physiatrist to be heart-wrenching. Additionally, the cruel treatment both mentally and physically of the patients at Kings Park was particularly concerning. I believe that many of the former patients’ stories allude to major issues in the American mental healthcare system. Overall, the Kings Park documentary provided and eye opening look into the institutionalization of the mentally ill. I believe that the fir st meeting at the diner between the two former workers at Kings Park and Lucy Winer delineates many of the issues with mental healthcare. The two men were supposed to be providing care to over a thousand patients, yet it did not seem as if they knew much about mental health. When Lucy was describing her suicide attempts, the one main replied with, â€Å"Oh you must have had really low self esteem or something†. This naive statement by the former worker is concerning, for this may mean that he didn’t trulyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks555 Words  | 3 Pages Civil rights activist Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. At the age of two she moved to her grandparents farm in Pine Level, Alabama with her mother and younger brother, Sylvester. At the age of 11 she enrolled in the Montgomery Industrial School for Girls, a private school founded by liberal-minded women from the northern United States. The schools philoso phy of self-worth was consistent with Leona McCauleys advice to take advantage of the opportunities, no matterRead MoreAnalysis Of The Documentary Eyes On The American Civil Rights Movement 783 Words  | 4 PagesEyes on the prize I is a PBS documentary film series that eye lights the American Civil Rights Movement. The documentary series also depicts the struggle to end racial discrimination and segregation and how small acts of courage began the Civil Rights Movement. I was able to watch three one-hour series, Awakening (1954-1956), Fighting Back (1957 – 1962) and Ain’t Scared of your Jails (1960 – 1961). These series are poignant and takes us through the days of segregation and inequality and the grassrootsRead MoreThe Legacy Of Rosa Parks881 Words  | 4 PagesMighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks In the late 20th century, in the U.S was the beginning of a community came together as a society. This was the path towards the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This short documentary is about the life of Rosa and her action in civil rights. This film, Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks present a courageous act of Ms. Parks who stood up for her rights equally as a white man to get her seat in the bus after a long day of work in 1955 in Alabama. Back in the earlyRead More Rosa Louise Parks Essays1606 Words  | 7 PagesRosa Louise Parks           The woman who earned the title â€Å"Mother of the Civil Rights Movement†, Rosa Louise Parks is an enormous inspiration to the African American race. Rosa was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 4, 1913 to James and Leona McCauley (The Life of Rosa Parks). Both of Rosa’s parents were born before slavery was banished from the United States. They suffered a difficult childhood, and after emancipation the conditions for blacks were not much better. Rosa’s mother was a schoolteacherRead MoreThe Critically Acclaimed Muscle Shoals Documentary and Music Lovers990 Words  | 4 Pages(INTRODUCTION) Thanks to the critically acclaimed â€Å"Muscle Shoals†documentary, music lovers are finding their way to the small town in northwest Alabama where some of the world’s greatest hits were recorded. This was the very town where, at Rick Hall’s FAME Studios and the rival Muscle Shoals Sound Studio, Aretha Franklin found her groove, Paul Simon developed â€Å"Kodachrome†and Wilson Pickett cranked up â€Å"Mustang Sally.†In the documentary, Mick Jagger, Steve Winwood, Percy Sledge and Etta James, amongRead MoreThe Lifestyle Of A Documentary Photographer : Research Project2638 Words  | 11 PagesThe Lifestyle of a Documentary Photographer: Research Project This paper will help give insights to those that don’t know photography so they can hear from an artist perspective about the most significant aspect of photography which is documentary photography. 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Right after Rosa Parks arrest, followed the Montgomery Bus boycott. During the bus boycott, African Americans refused to take the bus, and would either carpool with others, or walk to get around town. AccordingRead MoreThe Sons Of August By Nicholas Klein875 Words  | 4 PagesGermany was trying to become the ultimate power in Europe. Germany was seeking an alliance with England, but England was more focused on an alliance with France. With the death of King Edward the VII of England, royals from all of Europe come to attend his funeral. Included in the group was the new king of England, King George the V. Next to him is William the II of Germany. He is related to the British royal family because his mother had been an English princess. All are mourning his death except
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Information Systems Analysis and Design Term †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Information Systems Analysis and Design Term1. Answer: Introduction Data Science school education is the procedure for recruitment of student that was develop for the colleagues and family members. In this study, the major key facets for investigation of data were containing communication of data, prediction, classification and regression, exploratory analysis, management, sampling, cleaning and data wrangling. This framework can be worked from past years, now this framework has a large number of mistakes while enrolling the students from various countries. All the work is paper based and it requires a ton of time to handle the applications. Sometimes the records of a few students are not found and they vanish after few days. In transaction records there can be creation of some issues. In accounting area there are also issues while managing invoices since all are produced with the assistance of pen and paper. Thus, in some cases it makes duplicacy while recovering information. Keeping in mind, end goal is to determine issues that need to build up ano ther framework and in this framework all the work should do naturally. In this the computerized framework ought to be made to evacuate the manual framework. Objective of the project There are various objectives of the project for resolving the issues that each system has. Below are the objectives of the project for this system: Techniques Tools Methodologies (Huckabee, 2015) Approach to Systems Development Creation of Information System for Data Science School Education To create particular data framework for Data Science School Education there are different methodologies, for example, JAD (Joint Application Design), RAD (Rapid Application Development), Prototyping Model, Agile and Participatory outline needed to build up another framework. I can utilize JAD approach to make a framework. To build up another framework for Education in Data Science School we need to view each necessities and prerequisites and pick the best option. As indicated by Valacich et al (2014) in JAD data framework approach there are Users, Managers and Analysts that work with each other for some days and they all looked into framework necessities and organized gatherings. Development Approach Justification We need to legitimize the above picked approach however, most importantly we can comprehend what are the issues confronted at now. Furthermore, what are the new necessities we can need to build up another framework. Data Science school Education can confront trouble while requiring data about every stakeholders by keeping every ones element on a paper. They require framework to depict the stakeholders that will be working in the provided framework. Carmel et al (2013) clarifies that JAD is the best technique with the high level of client associations that prompt better framework and saw as functioning admirably. There are likewise different details for Joint Application Design to make another framework for Data Science School in Education System. JAD depicts the customer and server plan which includes chiefs, students and framework investigators. In this strategy, there is accessibility to comprehend the sentiments of the number of members required in this venture. In Joint Application Design (JAD), there are client gatherings that organized and taught and straightforward. This technique additionally prompts and increment the quality, diminished the cost for the given venture and it is requiring less investment to actualize the given venture. There are different procedures utilized as a part of this technique to outline another framework. Carmel et al (2013) states that there are distinctive approaches to run a JAD strategy, for example, Facilitation, Agenda setting Structure, Documentation and Group Dynamics. By utilizing JAD we can discover more precise outcomes when contrasted with different strategies utilized. Systems Requirements For building up any information system, there is a necessity of the system requirements. Two types of the requirements needed for developing Data Science School Education which contains both non-functional and functional system. The non-functional requirements address significant problems of restriction and quality for the physical system. The functional requirements would take place in software system. For system primary functional requirements Below are some of the functional requirements that use in creating the Education System for Data Science School: Controlling and Managing subsystem All records are updated and coordinated with the other system Details of the school students were managed Whole of the Education Consultancy would get managed and controlled Financial Subsystem Create the details of payroll system Fees for the school can be paid by either Debit card or credit card School will maintained the transaction records EIA provided the details of the fees which student paid to school Educational Subsystem OET, PTE or IELTS are some of the Student English Proficiency Evidence Verified and maintained all the documents related to student academic Student Subsystem Maintained various details of the student to school such as passport and Visa The system will maintain and collect various details of the student for school and details are Contact details, Address and Name For system non-functional requirements Below are some of the non-functional requirements: Technical Describes the total project cost Performance This displays the time of response and shows the user throughput Usability Demonstrate how the system works and get understand easily in provided project Reliability - Find some of the recovery solution for the detection of the errors. (Lichen, 2012) Project Cost Benefit Analysis Cost benefit analysis of the project is important for creating the new system that is helpful for the school. The feasibility study is describing various success measures and outcomes that are to be achieved. The analysis of cost benefit for the project is finished by calculating Overall NPV, Discount rate, Net economic benefit, One-time costs and Recurring costs. Below sample data taken for calculating the Cost benefit analysis: Recurring costs = $18,000 One-time costs = $50000 Discount rate = 6% Net economic benefit = $48000 Below are the break even analyses Project Schedule The schedule of the project is mainly an estimating time that is needed for completing the project. Work Breakdown Structure This will describe the full project that is divided into various small sub-tasks so that this can easily understood. Below is the Gantt chart The MPP file attached Scope, Requirements and Goals of system Project scope: School will design and create the new system so that it can reduce the risk and cost. Requirements: Below are some of the system requirements Testing Planning Initiating Requirements of management Requirements of student Goals: Main objective of Data Science School Education is creating the system for reducing the paper work and pen and build the user friendly system. System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques As per Valacich et al (2014) below are some of the investigation techniques that are involved in project: Documents - It can check all the required archives that are utilized as a part of a venture. All the valuable data given in these reports will address the issues that effectively get it. It can likewise recognize the issues in an exceptionally effective way. Observations - It can be utilized as a superior strategy for supplementing interviews. It might be easier to use technique sometimes. It can diminish the blunders that occur in a present framework. Questioning Interviewing - The primary concern is that by talking and scrutinizing one can listen every ones inquiries and attempt to answer that inquiries. The issues that emerge in a venture can be listen appropriately and attempt to determine them. So, in future all the work should be possible in a correct or great way. Below are the outlines that are contained in interview: Agenda Objectives Location Date and Time of Interview Reflections and Conclusions Various requirements are investigated and developed for Data Science School Education. With the use of JAD methodology, it structured all the managerial members in the particular way and thus discusses with one another all the needed requirements. In this study, there is a display and preparation of Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt chart for displaying all the requirements needed for the project. Finally for school education the new system that was created is very user friendly and it also decreases the time and cost of the project. The information that is included in the new system is handled easily and very accurate also. With the help of this new system, elimination of the duplicacy is possible. This provides better outcomes and increases the overall system efficiency. References Valacich, J, George, J, Hoffer, J 2015,Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, Pearson, CQUniversity Library Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 December 2015. Carmel, E, Whitaker, R, George, J, 2013, 'PD AND JOINT APPLICATION DESIGN: A TRANSATLANTIC COMPARISON', Communications Of The ACM, 36, 6, pp. 40-48, Computers Applied Sciences Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 December 2015. Huckabee, WA 2015, 'REQUIREMENTS Engineering in an AGILE Software Development ENVIRONMENT', Defense Acquisition Research Journal: A Publication Of The Defense Acquisition University, 22, 4, pp. 394-415, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 December 2015. Lichen, Z 2012, 'Aspect-Oriented Development Method for Non- Functional Characteristics of Cyber Physical Systems Based on MDA Approach', Journal Of Software (1796217X), 7, 3, pp. 608-619, Computers Applied Sciences Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 24 December 2015.
Monday, December 2, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Journal One Chapters 1-10 Essays
To Kill a Mockingbird Journal One: Chapters 1-10 By: Saima Vedachhia Atticus Finch gave his daughter an amazing piece of advice about how a person can't understand another person's perspective "until you climb into his skin and walk around in it"( Page 39) . Th ese sentences from the book, Atticus does truly give an judgement on how to better understand people and their own perspective . However, its the way the neighbourhood treats "Boo" or Arthur Radley proves that either Atticus is a hypocrite or he unconcern about Arthur Radley. Atticus tells Scout this when she complains to him about her teacher, Miss. Caroline, but when I first read the sentence, my first thought was about Arthur Radley and the oversight he faces in his neighbourhood. Nobody ever decided to look from his point of view and at the emotions he fe lt . The entire community went on with their lives either than acknowledging the fact , a man w ho hasn't come out in years. Nobody in community took courage and ask ed Arthur if he was ever okay? Everyone knew that Mr. Radley, Arthur's father, was an extreme Baptist and hated the idea of getting even the slightest happiness in this world. They also knew that he was a horrible person because when he died , Calpurnia said "There goes the meanest man ever God ever blew breath into" Although with th e fact Arthur was living in a home with someone as insane as Mr. Radley, they still didn't care about Arthur. After Mr. Radley's death, Arthur's old er brother Nathan came home and took his father position to take "care" of Arthur. Arthur's older brother Nathan was no better then his father. So how come in th is situation the person is different nobody in the neighbourhood still didn't take to tell Nathan that he wasn't treating his brother right? He isn't being a good guardian. There are rumours of Arthur being chained to a bed, who would ever do this to a person? Arthur once stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors which made the children in the neighbourhood afraid of this 33-year-old man. Regardless of whether all statement are true or not, it is quite obvious that Arthur's mental health is not stable. As a young child, Ms. Maudie describes him to be a generous and same person , but when time flew by, he was not seen outside of his house and was thought to be this crazy lunatic. In such a case, it could be assumed that Arthur was mentally, emotionally or physically abused by his family, in my opinion it was entirely true which is no amazement because it was believed that even Mrs. Radley has lost her hair, most of her teeth and one of her finger after marrying Mr. Radley. If anybody could understand Arthur's point of view it would have to be Atticus because he is a lawyer and should clearly identify evidence of abuse. nevertheless , he decides to mind his own business just like the other in the neighbourhood. I feel like that Arthur has been forgotten by his neighbours and community. They all have major part of making him seem like a monster but not knowing what actually happened . Arthur is just a person who has been through a lot and is in extremely need of support, which the people in Maycomb do not give. The three kids, Scout, Jem and Dill were the only ones that wanted to try to make a change in Maycomb. They tried to give Arthur a note to come out and get help, but Atticus stopped them and told them not to bother him. How do they not realize that leaving Arthur alone through such a difficult time, is just tormenting him even more? The braveness of these children shows th e humanity they have in them because the rest of the community do not even have the slightest sense of civilization if they do not help Arthur soon. Arthur is an example and represent many of us and how some of us get ignored because of the discrimination that exist today. Just
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