Sunday, May 24, 2020
Dr. Martin Luther King s Leadership - 875 Words
Introduction The word leadership brings to mind a variety of thought processes. It evokes memories of some of the great leaders of the past. Sir Winston Churchill who led the British people admirably with great fortitude against the Nazi onslaught. George Washington who fought against the British colonial empire for independence of the Americans. Abraham Lincoln who fought for abolition of slavery and human bondage. Dr. Martin Luther King who fought for equal civil rights for his people. Nelson Mandela who fought courageously for abolition of Apartheid. Mahatma Gandhi who through his unconventional methods of peace, non- cooperation and non- violence forced the British to grant independence to India. All these men exemplified key leadership skills in performing their duties and at the same time achieved success in their endeavors. Concept of Leadership According to Sharma Jain (2013), â€Å"Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish the objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and purposeful†(Para 5, pp. 310). Leadership is common in all living beings. In all spheres of life some form of leadership exists i.e. in politics, social groups and the corporate world. Leadership skills are influenced by values, beliefs, ethics and character (Para 6, Sharma Jain, 2013). There is a difference between the functions of management and a leader. Management generates order within the organization through processes,Show MoreRelatedDr. Martin Luther King s Leadership Essay2136 Words  | 9 PagesBACKGROUND 3 Bus Boycott in Montgomery 4 LEADERSHIP STYLE 5 King’s Leadership type 5 King’s Leadership Models 5 INFLUENCE IN THE ARTS 6 CONCLUSION 7 REFERENCES 8 INTRODUCTION Only a few of many leaders in history have been known as being great and living by example, as their actions and accomplishments have positively affected their intimate society or even the world. Dr. Martin Luther King in my opinion is one of these few leaders. Martin Luther King’s addition to history has putRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Analysis1617 Words  | 7 Pages1960’s faced solely due to the melanin in their skin (King 2). 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His mother was a school teacher. His siblings were Christine King Farris born September 11, 1927, and Alfred Daniel Williams King born July 30, 1930. Martin was the middle child. Martin Luther KingRead MoreTransactional Leaders : Transformational Leaders1140 Words  | 5 PagesA Prominent Leader Throughout history, there have been many great leaders. Each of them had/has their own leadership style, which made them a prominent leader. According to Smith (2008), â€Å"not all good leaders are the same because they each possess a different characteristic, which makes them the great leader that they are/were. We might say that each is an excellent leader with certain characteristics that make them so, however, when we compare those characteristics with the characteristics ofRead MoreCivil Disobedience, And Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1018 Words  | 5 Pagessociety. Historic figures such as Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. all acted civilly disobedience, but society benefitted from their movements. Civil disobedience is the underlying theme of Sophocles’ Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter From Birmingham Jail. The main character of Sophocles’ Antigone, Antigone, acts civil disobedience, just as Dr. King acted civilly disobedient. Both Antigone and Martin Luther King Jr. fought to gain justice for the people who they believed
Thursday, May 14, 2020
What Other Variables Contribute And The Composition Of...
What other variables contribute to the composition of racist ideology? There are four fundamental constituents: geographical location, educational attainment, age, and gender. First, the geographical location determines a lot on what type of socialization one experiences and it interconnects with every other aforementioned variables. Take southern states of the United States as an example. The southern states, being the former Confederate states, hold a violent history of racial superiority of Blacks by whites. They have a pre-existing historical framework of disapproving any shape of integration, which lasted over hundred years (Kuklinski, Cobb, Gilens, 1997). This creates a huge regional disparity between nonsoutherners and southerners in terms of cultural value, demographic pattern, and political view. The southern states’ demographic have increasingly become more white-dominated as Blacks migrated upward to the northern states (Campbell, 2010). Reinforcing southerners†™ collective white social identities. The southern culture is characterized around rigidity and radical conservatism (Kuklinski et al., 1997). As until today, Confederate Flag is utilized as their identity marker. According to James H. Kuklinski, the omnipresent racial bias in the South is an idiosyncratically southern phenomenon that is not merely an outcome of the mixture of individuals who reside there. Contemporary southern whites exercise alternative sources of expression of resentShow MoreRelatedRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words  | 179 Pagesposts 5.7.3 Limited political participation 49 52 53 54 54 57 58 58 59 60 60 61 61 62 64 66 66 66 67 68 6 Demands of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendents 70 7 Evaluation of actions adopted by the State and other actors to combat racism in Nicaragua 7.1 Institutionalization of autonomy 7.2 Defending and protecting human rights 7.3 Strengthening regional institutions 7.4 Defending territorial rights 7.5 Implementing bilingual intercultural education 7Read MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesChennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sà £o Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalRead MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words  | 163 PagesTHE ROLE OF LAW (Tipson) Goal Clarification: What is National Security? -National Security - Possible Definitions (Difficult to define) -Safety from foreign coercion or intimidation -UN Charter Article 2(4) - prohibition against â€Å"the threat or use of force against the political independence or territorial integrity of any state†Analytical Tasks: How Americans Think About National Security -Identifying Values: What is at Stake? (What are we trying to protect) -Territory -TraditionalRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pageshave been chosen (or speciï ¬ cally written) to provide readers with a core of cases which, together, cover most of the main issues in the text. As such, they should provide a useful backbone to a programme of study but could sensibly be supplemented by other material. We have provided a mixture of longer and shorter cases to increase the ï ¬â€šexibility for teachers. Combined with the illustrations and the short case examples at the end of each chapter (in both versions of the book) this increases the reader’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Truest Test Of Love - 2300 Words
It seems to me that the truest test of love is true hatred. Hatred experienced both by as an emotion of the one that loves and the experience of being hated itself. If this is the case, it quickly becomes clear that much of the way the word is currently used is little better than trash. It has become a buzzword, a vague sense that certain types of people ought to receive a certain level of acceptance while others can be comfortably denied our amorphous feeling of good will. It has lost the power it is due, the power that it carried when the LORD declared You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might (Deuteronomy 6:5) or when Christ tells us love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44). This love is not a vague sense of social inclusion, but rather an orientation of the whole self away from my own ego and toward something outside of myself. It has little to do with acceptance and more to do with how we posi tion ourselves toward even those we find to be morally objectionable. Love, when thought of in such a sense, can legitimately be used as a basis for a moral choice, and a person s position can be objected to on the grounds that it fails to love. When used in the vague amorphous sense one can legitimately respond Who ought I to love? By which is meant who ought I to have a vague feeling of good will toward and accept their behavior as correct. When seen in the larger sense the questionShow MoreRelatedReading Log From Cold Blood Essay718 Words  | 3 Pagesbut she doesn’t answer. Susan gets worried and she and her friend go by the house and discover the bodies. The call the police and the police are shocked by the call. Bobby Rupp, Nancy’s boyfriend, is the first suspect, but he passes the lie detector test and is let go. An investigation is put into action by Alvin Dewey, who thinks the killers must be close to the family to have such a grudge to murder them. While t he investigation is taking place, Dick and Perry are in Olathe, Dick’s hometown. DickRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s As You Like It1270 Words  | 6 Pagescan be seen that love is a life and personality altering element for each character. Love is the main theme of this play as it can be seen that all characters are changed by love. In this one piece by William Shakespeare, many different forms different forms of love can be seen. There is brotherly love, love in loyalty, lust, friendship, and even the expected form of romantic love. There are three main couples we see change and development due to their interactions with love, Rosalind and OrlandoRead MoreEducational Philosophy : Traditional And Progressive Style1324 Words  | 6 Pagesfor life and that knowledge will be obtained through practice of exams, lectures, and memorization. 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The intellectual depth that Skylar and Heaven share is quiteRead MorePersonal Code Of Ethics Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pagesselling myself short or settling for less than what I know I deserve. Fairness is a trait equipped to my personal moral ethics from a young age. From our earliest days of adolescence most are filled with ideologies of being able to attain your hearts truest desires, and with thoughts that you will get out of life what you put into it. It is my belief that when most of us near the end of our days of adolescence we all too soon realize this ideology may be flawed in theory, that life will not always returnRead MoreUse of Animals for Research1382 Words  | 6 Pagestalk? But, Can they suffer?†How are scientists and/or researchers supposed to help benefit humans if there aren’t animals to test or preform procedures on, you may ask yourself? According to The Humane Society of the United States there are nearly 50 different alternatives to animal research. One, being, using blood from human volunteers to test for fever-causing contaminants in medicines that could save up to hundreds of thousands of rabbits each year. There are many steps that needRead MoreEssay On SCORR1067 Words  | 5 PagesWant to work? SCORR is the leader in Health Science Marketing for the Kearney area. I would love the opportunity to learn from a company that truly does it all. Having a company like SCORR this close to home is a rather lucky entity in itself. I know that SCORR would give me the opportunity to grow into my role with the company, while helping me to gain the knowledge that it takes to succeed in this competitive field. I want to want to work for SCORR because I believe they are the best at whatRead MoreAristotle s Types Of Friendship2060 Words  | 9 Pagesfriendship that Aristotle describes as loving the other person completely and therefore can withstand the test of time (Aristotle, 34). Aristotle suggests that an individual who loves himself is likely to be a good and philanthropic person. Because the person loves himself, he is likely to love his friends, and an individual’s friend is considered to be his other self. Thus, a person who does not love himself is likely to treat his friends in the same manner in which he treats himself and be viciousRead MoreHomer s The Iliad And The Odyssey Essay1590 Words  | 7 Pagesare firmly founded upon the religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks. Being so firmly founded upon the ancient Greek religion, which has for centuries been mythology with many mystical and unusual creatures of fantasy, homer’s tales have withstood the test of time, captivating the attention of countless readers though many millennia and inspired the imagination of those who have read through the glorious epic. As to the origins of Homer, much is unclear. Where did he lived? Where he was from? When didRead MoreEssay on Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes1347 Words  | 6 Pagesmany ways animals are just like humans, they need love and affection and tender care, and although they cannot talk they have a certain way of expressing their emotions and comforting you in times of need. At the beginning of the novel Charlie is discouraged by how smart Algernon is, and resents him for being smarter then him when he is just an animal. I didnt know mice could be so smart. (Keyes 8). After a while Algernon becomes Charlies truest friend, Charlie can relate to him because they are
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
System Science And Engineering Management †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The System Science And Engineering Management? Answer: Introduction Brisbane Airport is among the biggest and busiest airports within Australia. It first opened in 1988 and since then, it provides services to millions of passengers every year. However, with continuous operations and rise in the number of passengers, the airport has slowly becoming degraded and less efficient. Hence, a technical upgradation was needed for a long time. In 2014, the Brisbane Airport Commission implemented the Brisbane Airport Master Plan in order do a complete renovation of the Brisbane Airport by upgrading all its technical features. The Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has some clear visions for the prospect of the airports and its improvement. The Master Plan of Brisbane Airports 2014 would implement all these visions of BAC and yield an Airport for that implies forecasting requests of improvement and a solid representation of growth in between 2014 and 2034. It is delivered at regular intervals as a major aspect of a statutory prerequisite, while likewise going ab out as a critical channel of data about the development of the airport to industry, government, business and neighborhood more extensive community. The development scheme includes the $1 billion of investment that BAC had used and the $2.5 billion that will be put as resources into flying and non-avionics foundation and administrations throughout the following decade. BAC has arranged four Master Plans since taking responsibility for airport in 1997. The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan mirrors BAC's sense of duty regarding maintainability over all parts of the airport's operation. Each activity and activity depends on, and measured by, an arrangement of particular improvement goals intended to accomplish adjust crosswise over social, operational, natural and economic aspects. Needs Definition In order to define the needs of the project, four specific factors are to be defined regarding the project. These factors are as follows. Economic Sustainability The Brisbane Airport has been built in Queensland and it has seen huge number of footfalls on daily basis. BAC is focused on proceeding with its reputation of building framework for the future and conveying solid money related outcomes (Buxton Chandu 2016). In doing as such, Brisbane Airport will keep on supporting more extensive economic improvement and employments development for Queensland, Brisbane, and Australia. The pathways for conveying solid money related development BAC receives incorporate particular and convenient advancement, differing income streams and productive utilization of budgetary and operational assets. Environmental Sustainability The main foundation of the Brisbane Airport Commission is the Brisbane Airport and it implies the operational and advancement developed by Brisbane Airport Commission for the operations. The amplification of the water, energy, and waste efficiencies while overlooking the impact of the issues and other problems. The maintenance of the objectives would help in adjusting the assembled conditions. The simplifying of the biodiversities would form the esteemed and highly accomplished practices for the best of the urban and fictitious planning development. Operational Sustainability The safe and secured functions of the airport is a primary concern for the project and it would require the formation of the supplementary objectives and the requirement of the aviation industry development. The Brisbane Airport is one of the busiest centres used for the conveyance of the people. The business development and the implication of the advanced processes for the airport are being developed with the help of the primary resources. The use of the basic resources would help in guaranteeing the development of the airport operations. Brisbane Airport Commission has been keen to extend the airport for forming the benefit of conveyance at the airport and the terminals. Social Sustainability Brisbane Airport Commission are in charge of the operations of the Brisbane Airport and their operations is primarily focus on the development and the support for the manufacturing of the improved functions at Brisbane Airport. The development of the Brisbane airport would involve the empowerment of the successive modification and implementation. The exhibition of the project would help in simplifying the deployment of the process. The Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has some clear visions for the prospect of the airports and its improvement. The Master Plan of Brisbane Airports 2014 would implement all these visions of BAC and yield an Airport for that implies forecasting requests of improvement and a solid representation of growth in between 2014 and 2034 (Thomas Scott 2016). BAC has arranged 4 Master Plans while taking responsibility for airport in 1997. The Brisbane Airport 2014 Master Plan mirrors BAC's sense of duty regarding maintainability over all parts of the airport's operation. The Brisbane Airport has been built in Queensland and it has seen huge number of footfalls on daily basis. The main foundation of the Brisbane Airport Commission is the Brisbane Airport and it implies the operational and advancement developed by Brisbane Airport Commission for the operations. The simplifying of the biodiversities would form the esteemed and highly accomplished practices for the best of the urban and ficti tious planning development. The safe and secured functions of the airport are a primary concern for the project and it would require the formation of the supplementary objectives and the requirement of the aviation industry development. The Brisbane Airport is one of the busiest centres used for the conveyance of the people (Glasby et al. 2015). The use of the basic resources would help in guaranteeing the development of the airport operations. Brisbane Airport Commission has been keen to extend the airport for forming the benefit of conveyance at the airport and the terminals. The development of the Brisbane airport would involve the empowerment of the successive modification and implementation. The exhibition of the project would help in simplifying the deployment of the process. Conceptual Design There are three different plans for the authority that are divided into medium term, short term, and long term plans. These short term plans for the project are as follows. Progress on the NPR development Requirement for constructing one more fire station at Airport North Additional fast leave runway with the current primary runway Implementing upgrades and some new terminals at the airport facilities Airside transporting facilities Development of levelled staff parking till the Central Parking Area The development of a lodging and business focus in Airport Central Domestic Administration structures at Airport Central International Aviation facilities and aviation bolster facilities Additional and overhauled auto parking Improvements to encompassing streets, new dynamic transport and open transport facilities Business, industry and business improvements Additional air ship support, office facilities and extended runway systems in Airport East Construction of extra cargo dealing with limit Utility updates Improvements required to encourage medium-term development of the project and business and industry development are relied upon to incorporate: Ongoing work and charging of the NPR Further terminal, cook's garment and air ship parking bay development Remote terminal facilities Mass travel system connecting airport locales Upgrades to encompassing street arrange Taxiway work Expansion of the cycle and walker pathway arrange and related facilities Expansion of auto parking facilities Construction of extra cargo and upkeep facilities Further business, industry and business advancement Additional aviation bolster facilities Utility redesigns. Improvements required to encourage long term development of the project and business and industry development are relied upon to incorporate: Further terminal, cook's garment and flying machine parking bay extension Remote terminal facilities Further runway interface improvement to get to extra shelters in Airport East and Airport North Airside mass travel system Upgrades to encompassing street organize Ground transport exchange associated with the mass travel system Further improvement of the Central Parking Area Cycle and person on foot ways Construction of extra cargo and support facilities Further business, industry and business improvement Additional aviation bolster facilities Utility redesigns. The control system of Brisbane Airport requires the use of the exhaustive EMS or Environmental Management System. The Brisbane Airport Commission has incorporated the EMS and it had resulted in keeping the deployment of the Airport consistent with the systems of the Australian Operations. The systematic implementation of the EMS with the objectives of Brisbane Airport Commission would help in achieving the aspects of the airport operations. The attenuation of the world class EMS would help in achieving the developed sustainability and environmental friendly operations for Brisbane Airport (Sieverts, 2014). The reports of Airport Acts have explained that the AES had shaped the development of the master plan for Brisbane Airports. The development of EMS and its deployment of Brisbane Airport Commission had distinguished the risk analysis and it had formed the operations of overseeing the dangers by developing effective plan of action (Bridges Gudgin, 2014). The AES would exclude the c ontamination of the air and noise due to the machine flying and isolated enhancements. Discussion and Analysis Resources Analysis The following table shows the proposed 5 year property expansion plan as follows. Estate Zoning Proposed Utilization Estimated GFA (km2) Proposed Expenses (hundred thousand AUD$) Airport Industrial Park/Airport South Mixed Utilization Office, animal keeping, and warehouse, 110.80 1.12 Da Vinci/Airport South Mixed Utilization Aircraft maintenance facility, office, aviation education facility, warehouse, and carpark 30.96 0.3 Export Park/Airport South Mixed Utilization, Industry Warehouse, telecommunications, Office, food outlet, car park, and beverage outlet 105.76 1.04 Airport East Industry Aircraft maintenance facility, Office, and carpark 7.30 0.1 Skygate/Airport Central Major Centre public transport facility and administration building Event entertainment facility, office, car park, shop, food and beverage, and wholesale supplies outlet, 63.75 2.0 Airport Drive West/Airport Central Mixed Utilization, Special Purpose Airport Showroom and shop of Service station 13.78 0.35 DomesticT2/Airport Central Special Purpose Airport Public administration building, Offices, Hotel, and motel 29.30 0.7 International T1/Airport Central Special Purpose Airport, Mixed Utilization Car Park, Public administration building, aviation support facility and office 2.57 0.09 Central Parking Area/Airport West Mixed Utilization Utility Installation and Car park 0.3 0.35 Airport North Special Purpose Airport Aviation support facility and Aviation activity, 5.08 0.1 Moreton Drive West/Airport Central Mixed Utilization NIL NIL Time Schedule and Milestones The time schedule and milestones of the project are shown in the following table, Task Name Duration Start Finish Brisbane Airport Development Project 247 days Mon 10/2/17 Tue 9/11/18 Project Planning Phase 113 days Mon 10/2/17 Wed 3/7/18 Meeting between related authorities 15 days Mon 10/2/17 Fri 10/20/17 Preparation of the development plan 30 days Mon 10/23/17 Fri 12/1/17 Analysis of the proposed project 15 days Mon 12/4/17 Fri 12/22/17 Risk Analysis and Survey 10 days Mon 12/25/17 Fri 1/5/18 Meeting with government officials 5 days Mon 1/8/18 Fri 1/12/18 Development of final project plan 20 days Mon 1/15/18 Fri 2/9/18 Development of time schedule 10 days Mon 2/12/18 Fri 2/23/18 Development of project budget 5 days Mon 2/26/18 Fri 3/2/18 Verification of the Project Plan 2 days Mon 3/5/18 Tue 3/6/18 Project Plan Approval 1 day Wed 3/7/18 Wed 3/7/18 Project Initiation Phase 97 days Thu 3/8/18 Fri 7/20/18 Analysis of existing conditions of the airport 30 days Thu 3/8/18 Wed 4/18/18 Collection of data 5 days Thu 4/19/18 Wed 4/25/18 Final noting of further requirements 3 days Thu 4/26/18 Mon 4/30/18 Testing the existing technical components of the airport 3 days Tue 5/1/18 Thu 5/3/18 Proposal of suitable technical upgrades 6 days Fri 5/4/18 Fri 5/11/18 Procurement of project budget 15 days Mon 5/14/18 Fri 6/1/18 Appointment of stakeholders 5 days Mon 6/4/18 Fri 6/8/18 Allocation of budget 10 days Mon 6/11/18 Fri 6/22/18 Project Execution as per the plan 20 days Mon 6/25/18 Fri 7/20/18 Project Completion Phase 29 days Mon 7/23/18 Thu 8/30/18 Preparation of Project Report 10 days Mon 7/23/18 Fri 8/3/18 Project Evaluation 5 days Mon 8/6/18 Fri 8/10/18 Testing the final technical upgrades 5 days Mon 8/13/18 Fri 8/17/18 Development of usage guidelines 5 days Mon 8/20/18 Fri 8/24/18 Approval of the Project Report 4 days Mon 8/27/18 Thu 8/30/18 Project Sign Off 8 days Fri 8/31/18 Tue 9/11/18 Closure of the Project 2 days Fri 8/31/18 Mon 9/3/18 Project Appraisal 5 days Tue 9/4/18 Mon 9/10/18 Sign off 1 day Tue 9/11/18 Tue 9/11/18 Accordingly, the Gantt chart and WBS are as follows. Figure 1: Project Gantt Chart (Source: Created by Author) Figure 2: Project WBS (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion Brisbane Airport is among the biggest and busiest airports in Australia. It first opened in 1988 and since then, it provides services to millions of passengers every year. However, with continuous operations and rise in the number of passengers, the airport has slowly becoming degraded and less efficient. Hence, a technical up gradation was needed for a long time. In this report, the proposed projects for technical upgrades have been presented in this report. References Aldred, J., Day, J. Glasby, T., GEOPOLYMER CONCRETENO LONGER LABCRETE! Bridges, C. Gudgin, J., 2014. A soil-nailed excavation for the Brisbane Airport Link project, Australia.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering,167(2), pp.205-216. Buxton, M. Chandu, A., 2016. 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